
4 Wild Plants To Make Delicious Tea

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Foraging for wild plants is growing in popularity, and it’s not difficult to see why. There are plenty of plants growing in the wild that are perfect for making delicious soups, salads, and of course, teas. Before you go foraging, make sure that you educate yourself about which plants are safe to eat, and those that should be left alone. To start you off on a wild tea adventure, try making a tasty infusion or two using these four plants.

1. Nettle

When you are handling nettles, you’ll, of course, need to use gloves. Take a pair of gardening scissors with you when you go out foraging. Chop one or two bracts of nettle leaves, holding your bag so that the leaves fall directly inside. To make nettle tea, add water to your leaves and boil the mixture. Those who prefer a stronger brew can steep the tea for around fifteen minutes. When your water is just about to boil, turn down the heat and let it simmer. All you have to do now is pour the tea through a strainer and voila it’s ready to drink! Nettle tea has plenty of health benefits, including decreasing oxidative stress and easing inflammation. Nettle tea can also help your body to fight off infection.

2. Dandelion

Dandelion tea is associated with various health benefits, including improving eczema, regulating blood sugar and lowering blood pressure. Add two cups of dandelion tea to a saucepan of water and bring it to a boil. For a stronger flavor, allow the tea to infuse over several hours. Lastly, strain the tea, add a little honey, and enjoy. Dandelion tea tastes mildly sweet and earthy.

3. Passionflower

These lovely flowers make an excellent sleep aid when consumed as a supplement or tea. Passionflower is also praised for its ability to ease anxiety. When you are next taking a stroll through the forest, have a look for this beauty and make yourself some delicious tea. Once you’ve collected your passion flowers, you’ll want to dry out several of the leaves.

For the best tea, use a combination of both dry and fresh leaves. Put these leaves inside a small muslin bag and then add hot water. You can let the tea steep for about five minutes. Passionflower tea has an earthy, grassy, and lightly floral taste.

4. Bee Balm

Bee balm belongs to the mint family, and there are over 15 species of this particular plant. Bee balm grows in many shades, including white, pink, lilac, and bright red.

To harvest bee balm, you can simply clip the stalk at the base. Next, gather the stalks, tie up the ends, and hang them up so that they can dry. The bee balm plant should be dried out in about a week. You can choose to make bee balm tea using dried leaves or fresh. Simply add water, bring to a boil, and steep. This tea has a lovely bold flavor, similar to Earl Grey.

Herbal teas are a fantastic way to boost the immune system, and there are so many fantastic teas to try. From green tea to echinacea tea, pu’erh tea, or chamomile; write yourself a herbal-tea shopping list, and get ready to improve your health!

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