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Raw food detox diet involves eating food in its uncooked form, referring to anything that occurs naturally. There are immense benefits to be derived from a diet consisting primarily or solely of raw organic vegan food. Eating raw foods gives you 100 percent of the available nutrition. But you can lose up to 85 percent of the original nutritional value when you cook the same food.
Raw food detox diet also provides enzymes that help digest your food. Living foods not exposed to temperatures above 116 degrees Fahrenheit keep their enzymes intact; otherwise, the enzymes break up and your body has to work harder to digest your meals. Enzyme-rich foods give you a more realistic and efficient energy source. They rapidly break down in our stomach and immediately begin to provide energy and nutrition.
One of the most life-enhancing benefits of eating a raw food detox diet is the abundant amount of energy that is available to you. The energy that is usually used to digest cooked food is freed up for you to spend on other things when eating raw. You will find that when eating raw foods you will need to sleep less to feel rested.
Many athletes have found that light raw meals give a more sustainable form of energy and improve their performance. Students find that the raw food detox diet gives them a more stable blood sugar level, helping them to think more clearly and stay more focused. Eating raw food is also known to enhance your beauty. Most of all, when you eat well you feel good – and feeling good is the essence of life.
To start your raw food detox diet, increase the amount of fresh foods in your cooked food diet. The cleansing process begins and helps flush out old toxins. Greens and fresh fruits are especially effective in pushing debris out of your cells and colon. These two primary raw food sources attune your body to eating more and more raw food.
As you feel fuller and more nourished from the increased quantities of raw food, you may consider trying to let go of cooked food. Cultured foods help initiate beneficial flora. Dried foods assist your transition by giving a raw food way to satisfy a cooked food craving for something heavy. The goal in a raw food detox diet is to achieve the ideal balanced diet of 60 percent fresh foods, 20 percent sprouted foods, 10 percent dried foods, and 10 percent cultured foods. Try to achieve that to make the most of healthy, energy, and culinary enjoyment!