Reading Time: 2 minutes
The low fat raw vegan diet is gaining a lot of popularity in recent years as people are becoming more conscious about what constitutes a true health promoting diet. A diet based on fruit and vegetables can be a wonderful way to start eating a raw food diet as well as to promote cleansing, detoxification and weight loss.
However, there is not really much variety in regards to recipe books based on this healthy way of eating that include truly delicious meals. Fortunately this has changed with the release of Low Fat, Fruit Filled, High Fun Raw Recipes.
This book is filled with the favorite raw food recipes of raw foodists who eat a low fat raw vegan diet including Michele Martinez from Raw Natural Hygiene, Karmyn Malone from Karmyn, Chris Kendall from The Raw Advantage, and Ellen Livingston from Living Yoga. It also includes a couple of my favorite recipe creations from my personal collection.
There is a Sweet Treats section that includes sweet fruit-based recipes. These meals are great for breakfasts and daytime meals when you need a lot of energy and provide more interesting alternatives to mono-fruit meals, which can become boring.
There is also a Savory Delights category that offers non-sweet fruit and vegetable-based recipes. Some of these dishes contain sweet fruit as well but in general they are more suitable for dinner, when you are more likely to crave a savory meal.
I am really looking forward to trying out the recipes in the book. Some of the recipes that look especially good to me are Better than Candy Confection, Caramel Camel Dip, Silk Yogurt, Soothing Apple Sauce, Coconut Supreme, Fat Free Veggie Dip and Radically Raw Pizza. It also includes my recipe for mango tomato soup, which is one of my favorite meals to eat when I feel like something savory but also light, nourishing and delicious.
A seven-day meal plan is provided to give you ideas and to help you get started with a low fat raw vegan diet.
Love to try this one..thanks