Is Extra-Virgin Olive Oil A Healthy Fat On A Raw Vegan Diet?
Olive oil has long been promoted as a “healthy” fat. However, there are both positive and negative factors associated with its inclusion in the diet.
Holistic Nutrition for Transformational Health
Olive oil has long been promoted as a “healthy” fat. However, there are both positive and negative factors associated with its inclusion in the diet.
Find out how to optimize your levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA on a vegan diet.
Learn how to ensure you are getting enough and the right balance of essential fats on a vegan diet.
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As you know, fats are an essential part in our diets. They contain very unique qualities that makes our bodies function properly. In might seem illogical, but some fats can even prevent heart disease and also lower your cholesterol levels.
How can you make a healthy green smoothie even more healthy? Just add a handful of chia seeds, nature’s complete superfood. Not only will these protein-packed grains turn your green smoothie into a powerfood, they won’t affect the taste at all!