Creamy Cantaloupe Smoothie
This raw vegan melon milk recipe offers a perfect way to nourish and refresh yourself on a hot summer’s day.
Holistic Nutrition for Transformational Health
This raw vegan melon milk recipe offers a perfect way to nourish and refresh yourself on a hot summer’s day.
The mamey sapote has a mildly sweet and earthy taste with a fragrant aroma. I would describe them as being reminiscent of sweet potato with a moist and fairly fibrous flesh. In fact the color is almost exactly like a sweet potato and they are both a rich source of beta carotene. They are much higher in protein than most fruits and are contribute significant amounts of niacin and potassium.
Refined salt vs. Himalayan salt, how do they compare. Salt has been around since time immemorial. Historically people obtained minerals…
Raw food diets are used by many to lose weight fast as well as to cleanse the kidneys, liver, colon and skin. Because raw food diets contain low or no saturated fats and are high in potassium, they also provide powerful antioxidant benefits. When changing to a raw food diet there are some things that can be done to help make the transition easier and more effective