
The Juice Diet

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A successful juice diet can do wonders for the body and mind. Lots of people choose to go on a juice diet to shed a few of those bothersome pounds, while others pursue a juice diet in order to detoxify their bodies. Here are a few helpful tips that will make juicing a positive experience for just about anyone.

1. Make preparations. It is a good idea to prepare your body for a juice diet at least two days beforehand. During this time, you should eat nothing but raw fruits and vegetables and drink only water. It is also a good idea to start off your diet with a natural laxative, in order to purge the toxins out of your body.

2. Create a daily routine. Creating a daily routine for yourself can help you stay on your juice diet. You`ll be juicing often, so create a timetable for juicing and consuming your juice. You might want to create or modify your exercise regime to keep the effects of juicing in consideration.

3. Make sure to use a good juicer. This is perhaps one of the most important tips anyone can receive in regard to a successful juice diet. Having a good juicer with large capacity on hand can make all the difference. Don`t be afraid to purchase a high-end model, as you will be juicing a lot during your diet and you`ll want a juicer that can stand up to the rigorous punishment it will receive in the coming days. Going with a cheap juicer might save you money upfront, but you may end up regretting it after a few days of heavy use.

4. Listen to your body. Your body is pretty good at telling you when to hold back or stop your juice diet. Most people develop a little nausea and migraines when they first start. If these symptoms persist after the diet, immediately consult with a doctor. If your juice diet is longer than three days, don`t hesitate to supplement your diet with wheatgrass and other condensed powdered greens. It will help you fill in those nutritional gaps by providing your body with additional nutrients.

5. Don`t overdo it. Whether it`s physical activity during the diet or the juice diet itself, you shouldn’t do more than your body will allow. That means if you have to cut your juice diet short, don`t be afraid to do so. Be careful not to consume too much juice. You should drink anywhere between 32 and 64 ounces per day during the diet if it`s comfortable.

The average length of a juice diet can vary depending on a wide range of factors, including the person`s experience with juicing. If you’ve never been on one before, you might want to aim for two to three days of juicing. Most ordinary diets can last from five days up to 60 days. Once you’ve finished your juice diet, you can go back to enjoying the foods and drinks you love in moderation.

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