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If you are new to the concept of raw foods you might be wondering why would anyone want to make such a dramatic lifestyle change.
I’ve recently updated the site to include a list of the benefits of eating a raw food diet in this article:
The article comes directly from my book “The Raw Food Solution: How to Create Vibrant Health with a Raw Food Diet”. I’ve received some really great feedback so far about the book and people are getting excited about eating raw and learning about raw food nutrition.
Here is a link to a recent review about the book from the website, “Half the Man”.
Book Review: The Raw Food Solution by Mizpah Matus
So now that my first book is completed I’m ready to get started on another project! I’d really love your feedback.
My goal is to help you achieve your health and nutrition goals and to share my knowledge with you to support you on your healing journey. What kind of products and information are you looking for?
If any of the things I list below would interest you please let me know. Or if you have any other suggestions I’d love to hear from you.
- Raw food meal plans
- Fast and easy raw recipe books
- Gourmet raw recipe books
- Low-fat raw recipe books
- Raw food nutrition education
- Detox programs
- Diet plans for healing chronic illness
- Raw food mentoring
- Raw food transition guide
- Herbal medicine
- Diet and spirituality
There are so many possibilities but I really want to know what you want so that I can do my best to provide you with the information that you are looking for.
Raw food and natural healing have been my passion for over twenty years so I am excited to be able to share my knowledge and inspire you to fully explore the possibilities that this lifestyle has to offer!
Do you have any recipes for raw meat and/or fish?
Jill I don’t have any recipes for raw meat or fish. While I don’t regard myself as a strict vegan and may occasionally have sashimi or ceviche when I travel, I don’t prepare these foods myself.
Raw food meal plans (especially for body building athletes). I’ve been raw for a while & love it. Balancing lower fat and higher protein I find a bit challenging. (I’m competing for my first figure competition) so that is important. otherwise i don’t worry about protein/fat/carbs (during off-season). it usually not necessary on a raw food diet.
I think there is a great need for a site with menu plans for families that support complete nutrition but allow for flexibility ie you can post a standard one or person can go in and choose from meals for certain days n it gets plugged into monthly plan. Then (and this is key!) creates weekly shopping lists with how much needed so not running to store for one thing or buying too much etc.
second key is prep day info listed ie if needing to soak or sprout something, that is listed days before on calendar so all is ready when meal times come. Or if needing to prepare something and dehydrate it, it might have me start something tues for a meal later tha week.
With three kids and hubby gone biz travel all the time, I need this kind of specific help and being able to customize menu according to our time needs but knowing we r getting complete nutrition AND that I bought all the rt stuff without spending hours trying to go thru recipes (hours I don’t have) AND Giving me help for when to start certain things, well…. It would be so awesome n perfect! Oh well perfect also bas place for addons every day for snacks n treats ie kids have event at school.
I’d like to see a book about Detoxing, Diet, and healing (or avoiding) chronic diseases — with recipes, of course! A sort of Raw Wellness Manual.
•Raw food meal plans
•Fast and easy raw recipe books
•Gourmet raw recipe books
•Low fat raw recipe books
•Raw food nutrition education
•Detox programs
•Diet plans for healing chronic illness
•Raw food mentoring
•Raw food transition guide
•Herbal medicine
•Diet and spirituality
Raw food mentoring. I notice that What a lot of it comes down to for me is that I have fears.
I would love to see more low fat raw food recipes. I find there are too many high caloric raw foods using too much sweets and oils. I’m not exactly thin (used to be a junk food vegan but trying to clean up my way of eating).
Kathy I love your idea and this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while but it requires the use of specific software and I’m no computer expert 🙂 But I will continue to look at how I may be able to create something like this in the future.
There is some debate as to whether certain items are in fact, truly raw and thus suitable for a raw foods diet, and many people prefer to exclude some processed foods from their diet, even though they may be raw. Nice article
Health problems, in what ever form they come are becoming all too common these days. However little do people realize that they can be alleviated simply by eating raw food. Cooking (or overly cooking it as is so commonly done these days) destroys the nutritional values of the food. This is exactly whenever you get sick your doctor tells you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, because they are so rich in the vitamins and minerals that your body so needs. Even health coaches and professionals will tell you nothing different; raw food is as healthy as food gets!
Nurients list or chart like what food is suggested for proteins and different vitamins. And, Discuss the myths about Raw Vegans.