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As part of my detox program I have been increasing my intake of green juices. I created a delicious juice yesterday that I would like to share with you.
I don’t have a juicer so I make my juices in the Vitamix by blending the greens and then straining the juice in a nut milk bag. With this technique you need to add water but lately I have been substituting with coconut water with fantastic results. The coconut adds a sweetness that helps to neutralize the bitterness of the greens.
You can try any kind of green with this juice. I used a green that is called sayur hijiau here in Bali, which translates funnily enough as ‘green vegetable’. After a quick search online to identify it I think it may be an Asian green called Yao choy. It is a rather mild tasting green that you can probably find in Asian markets but if not I would recommend kale or spinach.
For this recipe I used an entire young coconut including the flesh, however I should let you know that the local coconuts are a little different to the young Thai coconuts. They have a lot more water and the flesh has more of a jelly-like consistency. If you use a Thai coconut or if your coconut meat is quite hard I recommend adding just a small amount of the flesh because you don’t want the juice to be too thick.
The rosemary is a great addition while you are undertaking a detox because it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well as helping to eliminate unhelpful bacteria. The apples adds extra sweetness but if you like your juices to be really green you can try leaving them out.
This juice was so delicious and I was amazed how energized I felt afterwards! This recipe makes enough for several large glasses of juice. Let me know what you think 🙂
One young coconut juice and flesh ( about 3 cups coconut water)
1-2 pounds mild leafy greens
2 green apples
1-2 sprigs fresh rosemary
Blend coconut water, apple, rosemary and greens in a high-powered blender then strain with a nut milk bag. Add juice back to the blender with coconut meat and blend again.
Enjoy this delicious and nourishing juice anytime. It makes a great breakfast or pre-workout drink.
Ive been juicing for a few years now and ive lost at least 40 lbs in my first month