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It is almost the end of January and for many people the idea of new years resolutions might be fading. I’m not really big on making life changes on a schedule, such as at the start of a new year, since every day can be viewed as an opportunity to start anew.
However I do see the value in using the markers of the passing of time as a tool to help with reflection, to look back on what we have learned and identify what we need to change in order to progress in our life path.
This year I am more determined than ever to make a difference in my life. Even though I have been eating a high raw diet for about a year and a half, due to my ten year history of chronic illness and some other recent health challenges, I still have some areas of my health that need to improve.
At this stage I feel a strong need to make a dramatic shift so I signed up for the deep tissue detox and am really excited about the process.
My opinion of the program so far is that it has really exceeded my expectations. I really appreciate the way the program is put together and it is very similar to my philosophy in regards to the best way to tackle a detox diet. In terms of the dietary approach it really resonates with me and the level of support is very beneficial. Even though I already have a very good understanding of the theories behind this method, there are a few key factors I will be adopting that I believe will really make a difference.
As preparation I’ve been consistent with my intake of green juices and have been eating 100% raw. Next week will be my official week one and I will be letting go of certain foods that are not ideal for detox. I’ve given myself this week to adjust before giving up on raw gourmet treats such as raw pizza and desserts and then it is full steam ahead!
What really influenced my decision to do this more than anything is that I have seen myself making only very gradual progress in regards to my health. While eating a high raw diet has helped me immensely, at this stage in my journey I feel it is not enough, and that I need to do something more dramatic.
When I was in my early twenties I remember doing an apple diet for three days and at the end of that time I had so much energy it was incredible! Now I am approaching forty, with a history of chronic and complicated illness and years of inappropriate diet and lifestyle, so that these simple methods are no longer enough. Even when eating a low fat raw vegan diet consistently for two months, I still did not experience anywhere close to the energy boost that occurred after short cleansing diets in my younger years.
I feel very positive about the deep tissue detox because I understand the science behind this approach and have followed similar detox plans in the past with good results. So right now I am loving the green juice and looking forward to this journey and to taking things to the next level with my health and life.
I have enjoyed your vantage point. My research has shown your points to be true, but I have also heard the opposite from different articles like this one.